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Dear pre-pandemic me – Lessons learned in lockdown

Kate Witteveen Blog

If you could write a letter to your pre-pandemic self, what would you say? Here’s mine: Dear Pre-Pandemic Me, You are not going to believe what is coming. It is going to be one of those defining moments in history that your grandchildren and subsequent generations will learn about at school. As hard as it…

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Thriving in chaos: Adopting an ASTUTE perspective

Thriving in chaos: Adopting an Astute Perspective

​In the current climate of uncertainty and confusion, it seems that many of us are operating in a state of chaos. For some, the realities of COVID-19 are extreme health risks; for others, the risks are economic; for many, it is both. In addition, we need to be mindful of the challenges associated with social…

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How to minimise overwhelm in a time of massive uncertainty

Astute Consulting Services, How to minimise overwhelm in a time of massive uncertainty

​I’m sure we can all agree that the current situation with the coronavirus is entirely unprecedented. Things that just a few weeks ago seemed bizarre in the extreme have become our new “current” normal. The speed of change and the extent of disruption is anxiety-provoking for many, especially because what we thought we knew yesterday…

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From “time poor” to “time rich”: How Baby Boomers can enhance their well-being and have a massive impact on their society in their retirement

How baby boomers can enhance their well-being and have a massive impact on society in their retirement

​It is no secret that the baby boomers are a generation of influence. There are a lot of them, and they are credited with creating historical shifts in the narratives around economics, politics, popular culture, education and consumer behaviour. Sociological and economic theories have been developed to identify the shifts associated with this generation’s progress…

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Am I doing gratitude wrong?

Am I doing Gratitude Wrong?

Well, this is embarrassing…I’m a committed gratitude advocate, and I recently realised I’ve been doing gratitude a bit wrong!The benefits of gratitude for our well-being are well documented. Research has demonstrated that a consistent gratitude practice can not only make us feel better, it can change our brains, both structurally and functionally. Benefits include increased…

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How to not quit your New Year’s resolutions by February

How to not quit your new year's resolutions by Frebruary

As we embark on the new year, it is common to take stock of where we are and where we want to go. For many of us, making (and, let’s be honest, breaking!) new year’s resolutions is standard practice. Year after year, on January 1, we solemnly declare our sincerest intentions to do hard things we…

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